Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Link user results to user profile.

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  • Ross Moderator

    Hey Ed

    Basically, both your issues revolve around your template, and customising this, which is technically not in the realm of support for this plugin (I cannot possibly know how to work with every theme that exists for WordPress) but I will try to point in the right direction.

    First, you must make sure that “use custom template” is ticked in the admin.

    Then you must find the template you wish to use and like the look of.

    Are there any pages you like the look of in your theme, that you wish to use for formatting your results?

    You can use a plugin like this one ( to find the template name on any page in your wordress site, then use this template for the filename in S&F underneath “use custom template”.

    Once you have done this let me know and I can help further.



    Thanks Ross, does this affect the author/profile issue as well?

    Ross Moderator

    Once we get this right I can help you with the author issue 😉


    Have tried 10 different templates and get no results found. I will live with the default if I can sort the author/pro issue.

    Ross Moderator

    Hey Ed, wanna send me FTP details? I’ll take a look and see what I can do..

    Can you tell me which template *looks* like the one you want, but obviously is not showing results in the end?


    Ross Moderator

    Hey Ed, wanna send me FTP details? I’ll take a look and see what I can do..

    Can you tell me which template *looks* like the one you want, but obviously is not showing results in the end?



    Hi Ross

    I can work with the template I have, I have worked out how to make it look ok by removing the short bio which shifts the profile pick up or down according to its number of words.

    I have unticked “use a custom template” so presume S and F is providing the template.

    I could not pick any other template from my theme because nothing showed a search result.

    So if I can redirect from there to profile I am good to go. Can you do this?

    If not you have login details. Help yourself if you want to change the template.

    It is nearly midnight here so am to bed.




    PS. What are ftp details and where do I find them?

    Ross Moderator

    Hey Ed

    Can you tell me a page that you like the look of, and you would like to use as your results?

    Even if there is no results, I can fix this, so please let me know. You MUST tick “use custom template” otherwise it is nearly impossible to customise your template and make the changes you want.



    Hi Ross

    content-gallery.php seems most logical as we can have profile pics arranged in rows with a short bio under each.

    Do you need any other info or can you get there on my site to do what you need?



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