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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Limited Support in preparation for Search & Filter 2.0


  • This topic has 188 replies, 80 voices, and was last updated 9 years ago by Ross.
Viewing 10 posts - 81 through 90 (of 189 total)
  • James Day

    Can I get a beta copy of 2.0?

    I just bought a developer license and I’m using it to integrate with WooCommerce.

    I saw in a few of your replies that version 2.0 integrates better with WooCommerce.

    Can I go ahead and try it out so I don’t waste time trying to get the older version cooperating?

    -James Day

    Graham Ferguson

    Is the release still going ahead as planned this week as there have been no updates in terms of functionality etc ahead of the release?

    Ross Moderator

    Hi Graham

    I’m working with a couple of users still trying to iron out a couple of (minor) bugs after which 2.0 will be released.


    Trisha Miller

    Hey Ross,

    Just wondering if you saw the email(s) from me about the issue with date range searching in the Beta version…..I know you’ve been super-busy so I don’t want to add to any stress you may have, just wanting to be sure you saw my feedback, as I suspect that I may be having trouble with my email server at the moment. 🙂

    Ross Moderator

    Hey Trisha

    Yes did get it just so manic! I don’t think some of those points will be in this release but I will be working on 2.1 immediately – there are a couple of features that didn’t make the cut in time I’m keen to add asap!


    Ross Moderator

    Hi all

    Just to update.

    Development of S&F 2.0 has finished, just waiting for a couple of bits of feedback.

    Unfortunately I didn’t manage to get the docs written up just yet so won’t be doing a released until later in the week.

    Anyone that wants to give 2.0 a spin before the docs are written get in touch here and I’ll send over the latest version.


    Graham Ferguson

    Hi Ross,

    If you could send me the latest version that would be great.



    Tristan Stania

    What would be great is a few dot points of the features in this release?

    Mark Plones

    Hi Ross,

    Good to hear u finished the development of 2.0. Looking forward to final version. In the meantime I would like to give 2.0 a try too.



    rex allchurch

    I’d appreciate a copy, I was on the first beta testing but nothing since.

Viewing 10 posts - 81 through 90 (of 189 total)

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