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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Limited Support in preparation for Search & Filter 2.0


  • This topic has 188 replies, 80 voices, and was last updated 9 years ago by Ross.
Viewing 10 posts - 161 through 170 (of 189 total)
  • Anastasios Achpatzidis

    Can i have a copy of 2.0 please? I already asked for it but did not receive it.
    Thank you.

    Ross Moderator

    @mosp – can you open a new ticket? And then create a private reply in the same thread with your license details – for some reason I can’t seem to find your details.

    – there are some html changes, but not many – I’ve added IDs to all form inputs now, as well as some useful classes on the inputs and removed a few unnecessary classes such as .postform which was a copy and paste error. Also, for radio buttons and checkboxes, the actual input of these have been moved outside of their labels to allow for better CSS customisation on checked states etc.

    – bluesky was failing, sent to both your addresses now.

    Everyone should now have a copy 🙂


    Anastasios Achpatzidis
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Bryan Miller

    Hi Ross,

    Unfortunately, I haven’t received the 2.0 update yet. Do you mind trying to send it to me again?



    I have never received my copy either. Would you need my purchase code again? Thanks!

    Emily VonSydow

    Hi Ross,
    Is there any way I can grab a copy of the new version?


    2e Creative

    Would love to try out a copy of 2.0. Was trying to avoid asking to let you work, but now I’m just too eager.


    Ok, sounds great since i plan to redesign the checkboxes! Can you send me 2.0?

    Mark Plones

    Hi Ross,

    I don’t know how much longer the release is going to take, but I think u should stop sending people 2.0 before release. U should either release it to everyone or no one. This way people won’t get irritated when they don’t get the “BETA” version. I’m also waiting for 2.0 before releasing my website to the public. So it’s kinda irritating when some do get 2.0 and the other like myself don’t. Anyway, looking forward to trying 2.0.

    Ross Moderator

    Hi Mark

    I’m not sure why anyone would be annoyed that someone else got the 2.0 version before release? Anyone that requests to have the 2.0 version, before the docs are written is more than welcome to have it as I mentioned in this thread (its out of beta – dev has finished so should be stable).

    If anyone wants a copy and they have a valid license, then I’m more than happy to send it to them, at their own “risk” of course until the docs are finished.

    If you don’t want to risk it, then all you have to is wait, and not be annoyed that someone else is willing to try it.

    If I’ve missed sending it out to you, just let me know, this thread is now very long and confusing now, but anyone can have a copy if they request it.


Viewing 10 posts - 161 through 170 (of 189 total)

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