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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Limited Support in preparation for Search & Filter 2.0


  • This topic has 188 replies, 80 voices, and was last updated 9 years ago by Ross.
Viewing 10 posts - 91 through 100 (of 189 total)
  • tony khan

    Hi Ross would love to test the new 2.0 out, I apologise for not getting back to you about the beta I had a few issues with updating the database and the dynamic post count(thought it was probably something I was doing wrong and didn’t have time to test thoroughly).

    Cheers Tony

    Marc Permanyer

    Hi Ross,
    I would love to have a copy too. Looking forward to seeing the final release : )


    Hi Ross,

    If you could send me the latest version that would be great.



    Tom Gabrysiak

    I would also love a copy of version 2.0. Looking forward to test the new features. Thanks!


    I would like to give 2.0 a try too.

    Mike Kilpatrick

    Hi Ross,

    If you could send me the latest version of 2.0 that would be great.


    Jimmy Wulff

    Hi, I would like a copy of 2.0 too. Keep up the good work!


    would like to receive the 2.0 version before documentation

    Sosa Alejandro

    Hi, Ross.

    Would love to give 2.0 a spin!

    Please and thank you!

    Paul Anning

    I’m looking forward to the release of v2.0. Will it include searching in only titles and/or excerpts as people in the past in your support forums have requested? This would be an ideal addition for me! Thanks, Paul

Viewing 10 posts - 91 through 100 (of 189 total)

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