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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Limit number of results per page & include post image

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)
  • Amy Roberts

    Is there a way to limit the number of results per page? Using shortcode & pagnation.

    I would also like to display a thumbnail to the left of each result (uploaded to wp feature image field), is this possible?

    Working URL here –

    Amy Roberts

    I have found how to display the image but am struggling to style the results as none of the content appears to be wrapped in separate divs. I am using the Aveda theme and fusion builder and would like the results to display in a grid like the standard blog layout. Please can you help?

    I have added the standard blog layout above the unstyled results for context here –

    Trevor Moderator

    Results/Posts per page is set here in the form design:

    You can edit the template file used to make the results to add your own HTML and classes:

    Amy Roberts

    Thank you for the reply. I do not have experience directly editing theme files.. could you explain what changes I would need to make in the file to have it display like the blog in the example url I sent?


    Trevor Moderator

    If you are not proficient at coding, the better choice would be to use this integration method:

    Amy Roberts

    Thanks Trevor,

    I am customising now and it seems like the perfect solution – my only issue is that when I click the reset button in my SF form, the form now disappears.

    Same URL as before –

    Hope you can help!

    Amy Roberts

    Actually, selecting any option from the SF form now makes it disappear as soon as you click submit

    Trevor Moderator

    In the form design, the Ajax container should be #post-grid-1870 and not #main

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)

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