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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro License not activating

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  • Paula

    Hey! I’m part of a project team who purchased the Search and Filter Pro plugin recently (last month, if I recall).

    However, when I attempted to activate the license on Friday (and every day afterwards) it doesn’t seem to work. When I click “Activate License”, all I see is a quick flash of &settings-update-true in the address bar, but nothing happens. Saving changes afterwards doesn’t have any effect, nor does adding the site through My Account – all I see is Inactive 1/1.

    I’ve tried asking our server provider, deactivating and activating the plugin again, but no luck. I’ve also searched the support forums for similar problems, but most cases I found deal with moving to a new site; this is the first time we try to activate since the purchase. Any idea what could cause it and how to fix it?

    Thank you in advance!

    Ross Moderator

    Hey Anna

    Try the following (maybe you already did)

    1) Deactivate in your install of WP
    2) remove the site from “your account” – so it should report 0/1
    3) Try again to activate through the S&F option in the dashboard of WP

    Let me know on the above and we can look into it further




    I think I’ve tried those steps before, but just in case, I tried again just now. It didn’t help, though, still no signs of activation.

    Ross Moderator

    Hey Anna

    Thought I replied to this yesterday.

    Do you know if you have CURL enabled on your servers?

    Also do you know if your environment support wp_remote_get?




    I contacted our helpdesk to ask about it (we’re a school environment), and will reply back once I hear from them, hopefully later today.


    Hey again! I’m sorry for the wait.

    CURL is definitely enabled. I’m not entirely sure how to check for wp_remote_get, but we did a few tests where any settings that would interfere with it were changed for a while, but activating still didn’t work.



    Any further ideas on what to do? I’ve tried different browsers, deactivating and activating again a few more times and so on since the last time, but still no luck. The plugin is very vital for our project, and being able to activate and update it essential.

    Thank you in advance!

    Ross Moderator

    Hi Anna

    I’m really not sure what the problem would be as with 99% of environments it is working fine. The only thing I can think of is that if the site is hosted in your school network somewhere there might some sort of network/firewall issue.

    To check for updates S&F uses wp_remote_post so I guess it would be good to find out if this is working in your setup.

    I will be adding a debug page to S&F which will test for things like this automatically, however for now its not in there.

    If you can setup a test for that function above and provide results that would be great, otherwise I won’t be able to check until I add that debug page to the plugin – but in the meantime you can update S&F via Your Account – by re-downloading the plugin you will always get the latest version.

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