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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Licence key does not activate

  • This topic has 14 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 9 years ago by Ross.
Viewing 5 posts - 11 through 15 (of 15 total)
  • Gerardo Verduzco

    Hello Ross, we are still looking where in the new version of S&F can we find the box we ticked for it to make the search amongst variations, I attach an image of the tab you mention on your previous answer,

    thanks for the support, best regards


    Ross Moderator

    Hi Gerardo

    I see what you mean now. I’m not sure but maybe WooCommerce changed the way variations work, or made the Variations post type hidden…

    I didn’t change this setting, so its likely when you updated something else has changed – I’m assuming back to an old S&F won’t help in your case.

    Let me have another look in to it and get back to you.

    Just to let you know the next version of S&F works directly on the shop page – but this probably won’t get over your variations issue.


    Gerardo Verduzco

    Hello Ross, were you able to look into this?

    we updated just S&F and this ocurred, so we downgraded the version to the 1.2.1 which was the one we had before, then we updated everything else hoping this would help, so we updated WordPress, woo commerce an S&F, but this didnt work…

    we are now back to version 1.2.1 which we can work with just fine with variations, but limits us to integrate Relevanssi correctly,

    hoping to hearing back from you,

    best regards

    Ross Moderator

    Hey Gerardo

    I didn’t manage to get to bottom of this.

    I’m actually away for this next week so will be very hard to do so – I will do on my return.


    Ross Moderator

    Hey Gerardo

    Good news…! I completed integration with product variations 😀

    So in the next version of S&F, you can use it directly on your shop page using your shop template, as well as direct support for product variations, so you can use attributes and post meta no problem – the price slider also correctly searches in variations 😀

    I know the latest S&F works with Relevanssi also, but I haven’t tested Relevanssi + WooCommerce + S&F yet.

    Do you want me to send you a copy?


Viewing 5 posts - 11 through 15 (of 15 total)

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