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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Legal invoice for purchases

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  • Pumpun Dixital SC VAT: ES-J27757723


    We are a company and we need a legal Invoice for our Purchase. How should we request the invoice?

    Thanks in advanced

    Ross Moderator

    Hi there

    I’m registered as a sole trader in the UK – I’m not registered for VAT (we can do this if we earn under a certain amount), so there is no VAT to pay – your receipt is all you will need.

    Check with your accountant if you need clarification.


    Pumpun Dixital SC VAT: ES-J27757723

    Thank, no problem

    Klaus-Dieter Weber

    Hi Ross,

    I understand the point regarding VAT, but your receipt is very plain, and not even showing any trace of you / your company, i.e. the provider of the plugin. I doubt that our tax authorities will accept that (VAT is another topic, let it be).

    I bought many plugins these days, all of them had at least some provider information (and most also show my name/address as buyer). Could you add this?


    Ross Moderator

    Hi Klaus – I am just a sole trader – no company exists – just a person.

    So any details like that would be my personal address etc.

    I’ll double check with my accountant (I’ve already asked advice on this previously) but from what I’ve read this invoice + your paypal receipt should be enough when I am not VAT registered.

    Please check with your accountant too – I’m sure there is no problem processing this.

    In regards to your name/address – in many cases I do not know the address of the buyer (as orders are taken through PayPal) so it would be impossible to automate this.

    Thanks, I’ll let you know what my accountant says.


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