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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Labels incorrect on product

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  • Mark Warren

    Hi, the DOM of your product renders fields like this:

    <span class=”screen-reader-text”>Search</span>
    <input placeholder=”Search by title or keywords” name=”_sf_search[]” class=”sf-input-text” type=”text” value=”” title=”Search”>

    The input and the span should come after the label, and not be inside it.

    This is how it should look:

    <label for=”searchInput”>Search</label>
    <input placeholder=”Search by title or keywords” name=”_sf_search[]” class=”sf-input-text” type=”text” value=”” title=”Search” id=”searchInput”>

    if they want to hide the label, it can look like this:

    <label for=”searchInput” class=”screen-reader-text” hidden>Search</label>
    <input placeholder=”Search by title or keywords” name=”_sf_search[]” class=”sf-input-text” type=”text” value=”” title=”Search” id=”searchInput”>

    Please fix, thanks

    Mark Warren
    Ross Moderator

    Hi Mark

    We’re working on v3 at the moment, which is a big rewrite, and we’re addressing accessibility and this kind of thing better.

    We’ve already fixed this for some of our fields such as checkboxes and radios, but I see its still on the Search input.

    While there is nothing technically wrong with doing it the way we do (it follows standards, albeit, lazily), I do prefere your approach and will be doing something along those lines in v3.


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