Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Keyword Search Returning No Results

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  • Anonymous

    We just updated to Search & Filter Pro 2.3.0 on our staging environment, and the keyword S&F isn’t returning any results. If you leave the keyword empty and filter by category, tag, or category & tag the results are accurate.

    Interestingly, we have a separate Search option in our header for a keyword search without filters, and that works.

    Both options use shortcodes and separate results pages.

    Here is the relevant results page where the keyword doesn’t work:

    Here is the results page on our official site, where S&F hasn’t been updated yet. Note that the keyword search works, with and without filters:

    Thanks for looking into this,

    Ben Eppard


    You appear to be using the shortcode results method. Have you edited the results.php template that this method uses, and if so, can you post the contents of that file here, inside ‘code’ tags (the button for this is in the editor toolbar).


    Hi Trevor,

    We were using an edited results.php, but I already tried replacing it with the results.php from the newest version of the plugin to rule that out as a cause.

    In order to help you troubleshoot, the results.php that is now on our page is an unedited version.





    I have just now look at this after the weekend, and it seems to be working OK?

    I tried a search for the word fondue and the result was one post; The Melting Pot. I tried other searches and they worked as well?


    Hi Trevor,

    Are you sure you’re checking our dev site? The subdomain is restaurantsdev.

    Try searching in the search bar here (not the search field in the header, which is different):

    Note that it works on our live site:

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    This reply has been marked as private.

    Can you check and see if the dev site search is now working?


    It is working now. Can you explain what you did?

    I’ll need to make sure it works on our live site, when we update.



    In Relevanssi, I ticked the box to include Excerpts in the Index.

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