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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Keep a certain search query in memory

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  • Yoran Heij

    The website I am working on has a large number of posts, which all have certain area codes. When a visitor uses the search engine they fill in their area code, which then outputs all posts that fall in the same area.

    Is there a way to keep the visitors area code in the memory of the website, regardless of which page they visite afterwards, until they manually change their code in the search engine?

    I store the code in a meta_data field with the advanced custom fields plugin, so basically I am looking for a way to add something like “&_sfm_areacode=12345” to every page after the visitor used the search form.

    Trevor Moderator

    I am sorry, but this is not a feature of the current version of the plugin (to use transients), but we are working towards use of transients in the next major version (V3), AFAIK.

    Yoran Heij

    Alright, then I will just put this function on ice for my project, and look forward to the next major version. It would be awesome if this feature would be included! 🙂

    Thanks for the update!

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