Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro just renewed license

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  • Trevor

    So, it seems that this may be a theme related issue. Given that you are using our Shortcode method, that means your theme is causing the problem at the wp_query.

    This may be complex to resolve, and I will need our developer, Ross, to take a look. Are you able to make a staging site/development copy that he can work with?


    How do I go about making a staging site? or do you mean like a site back up? I can link you to one through gdrive?


    I don’t work with site backup files, no. Some hosting includes the ability to have staging sites (hosts like WPEngine, Cloudways, Flywheel and probably others), otherwise maybe make a subdomain of your domain and use something like the free Duplicator plugin to migrate it.


    Hi I am still unable to search with your basic search field. It has works fine in different themes on our server. I am currently using vantage premium. Can we do some type of conference call where you can walk through our site real quick?

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    This reply has been marked as private.

    I should be. Do send me a message on Skype so that we get linked up before that.

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    OK. Great to speak with you Augustus. It turns out your coder had added some code to the theme functions.php that had caused the problem. Sorted.

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