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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Just Bought and NOT working

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  • Burt Richard


    Ross…the new updated plugin seems to be working correctly!
    You can check at

    The goal was to be able to exclude the states in the Category search
    so that the end user could search ONLY the Job type and then…

    Have another search field so the end user could search by Location.

    However…since I could NOT have two (2) category search fields…
    I had to use a Tag Search field. However, I didn’t have ANY tags created.

    IMPORTANT NOTE HERE: I had to install the “Categories to Tags Converter Importer” plugin.

    #1 convert my location categories to Tags…
    #2 Add the Tags search field
    #3 then MUST deactivate the “Categories to Tags Converter Importer” plugin. as it must
    be conflicting with the Search & Filter Plugin…Your Plugin broke after installing it.

    Once I deactivated the “Categories to Tags Converter Importer” plugin. then my new Search Form began working.

    THANKS for creating a GREAT Plugin that NOW works the way I need on this website!

    Ross Moderator

    Great Burt glad its finally working – and its looking good 🙂

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