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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Just Bought and NOT working

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  • Ross Moderator

    Hey Burt

    Those login details are not working for me?


    Burt Richard

    OK…I fixed it Ross….

    should work fine now.


    Ross Moderator

    Hey Burt

    I just logged in and it seems to work ok..

    Theres a couple of pointers:

    1) You cannot have two category fields – you are using two fields which means that the logic and exclude items are getting confused. You cannot have 2 of any field that is the same type, unless it is a taxonomy field and they are using different taxonomies.

    2) If you want to exclude items only from the dropdown, then do what you have done and use “advanced settings”, and list your exclude IDs there – this will only exclude them from the dropdown but not your search results.

    To exclude posts with a specific category from your search results goto the “settings & defaults” metabox, then the tab “tags, categories and taxonomies”, then list your exclude items there. Then in the category field, under “advanced settings” make sure “sync” is enabled.

    There is an update coming btw which makes loading of your search results much faster 🙂


    Burt Richard

    Hey Ross…

    What exactly are YOU saying is working??? The search form I’ve Placed in the Widget
    does NOT work AT all???

    I’ve create a video for you to see…

    Please watch that short video and fix this today if at all possible…
    surely…we can get this thing working???

    IMPORTANT NOTE: it works on the search page…however, that is WORTHLESS to me…

    I need the search form to work in the widget so that the end user can search
    on any page or post while on the website.

    Please fix this ASAP..


    Ross Moderator

    Hi Burt thanks for the video

    In order to get it working properly you must fill in the “Results URL” – the Results URL is a page where your results can be found, another way of thinking about it, a page which contains the results shortcode –

    [searchandfilter id="xxx" show="results"]

    So in your case you should use the URL

    The page will redirect here with the correct search parameters.

    Let me know when you have done that and we can address the other points after.


    Burt Richard

    OK Done, Ross.

    Now the search form in the widget works !!! GREAT.

    Now lets see if we can get it to exclude all the categories except the Location Category
    and then….

    How do we add another search feature so the client can search for different job types.

    MAYBE it is easier to Search the Job type…while excluding the location
    and then add another search field to search location.

    I’ll try to set it up like that.


    Burt Richard


    I’ve NOW changed the search form…so that the first dropdown…

    Says Choose a Job Type.
    The client should be able click the dropdown, chooose a job type WITHOUT
    seeing any location or states.
    (I’ve excluded the location ID #4, but the locations still show in the dropdown)

    Now I need to have another search field under Choose a Job Type
    that says…Choose State and exempt all the job categories…
    which would be (201,200,314,287,202,199,74,)

    This way…when looking for a state…then the client only sees states.

    Thanks for your help.

    Ross Moderator

    Hey Burt

    I’ll be checking this shortly – this evening I want to complete a fix to the plugin which will help avoid confusion with the include/exclude IDs

    I’ll be in touch soon with an update to send you 🙂


    Ross Moderator

    Hey Burt

    In regards to your other point about different dropdowns..

    You can create different types of data, like categories called taxonomies (apologies if you already know about these) – basically they behave just the same as categories and tags, except you get to give them a name – so you can create a custom taxonomy called “locations” for example.

    You can also have as many custom taxonomies as you like – so you can use these for adding all kinds of information to your posts. A good free plugin for this I use is this one –

    Once you’ve created your taxonomies you can add a taxonomy field to your search form and set it up just like categories etc.

    Let me know if this makes sense


    Ross Moderator

    Hey Burt

    I’ve just emailed you an update to the plugin which has a browser for including/excluding categories/tags/taxonomies –

    Let me know how you get on with this and the above.


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