Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro jQuery error in migration to hosting and search in local show result in cloud

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  • Anonymous

    Hi, I have an issue with some code in the plugin detected by jQuery Migrate Helper
    — Warnings encountered
    This page generated the following warnings:
    http://localhost:10018/wp-content/plugins/search-filter-pro/admin/assets/js/admin.js: jQuery.fn.attr(‘checked’) might use property instead of attribute

    Second, when I test the Search & Filter function in my local enviroment, it loads the results in the cloud production instance of the same site!

    How can I fix this ASAP, I’m delivering the product this wednesday!


    Local enviroment:


    The code that causes that warning is being addressed in the next version of our plugin (2.5.3), but I am not sure when that will be released. In the meantime, whilst it will cause that plugin to show that message, it does not cause any functional issues.

    I went to that link, but I do not see the form there. However, as you have Elementor Pro, did you use our Elementor Extension?

    It can be downloaded from the guide page (if you are logged in, it is a blue button at the top of the page):

    The issue is likely to be the Results URL on the Display Results settings tab of the form, pointing to the wrong URL.

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