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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro It doesn't work with my theme optimizepress

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  • Josue Lopez


    I was using the free version and work great, not a lot of functions but it do the job.

    I was searching for a loot more functions and capabilities.

    So I purchase.

    I thought it would be an easy configuration, but no.

    It doesn’t work with my theme, I read in the documentation and saw that there are some themes that cause problems, and the solution, but I dont know how to implement it.

    Can someone help me?

    Trevor Moderator

    In the first instance, is it possible for me to see a live page url with the search form on? Second, what goes wrong?

    Josue Lopez
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Trevor Moderator

    Look in the form setup for the results container. I think it is set to #main, but your theme has the container as .main-content-area. Try that.

    Josue Lopez

    I change it, still not work.

    Trevor Moderator

    I logged in, but you were editing the form, which means I cannot open it. It is late here, so I will look in the morning.

    Josue Lopez


    Trevor Moderator


    I logged in again and it seems to be working now? If it is not as you want, are you able to details the issue?

    Josue Lopez

    Hi Trevor,

    The problem is when I switch from shortcode display mode to archive display.

    I gonna changue it so you can see.

    I have another question, how can I personalize the look of the results displayed when I use shorcode display.

    I need css or something like that?

    Thanks for the help.

    Trevor Moderator

    Using the shortcode method, you can personalize the results.php template, as detailed in the documentation:

    The structure of the template is fairly simple. You can move blocks up or down, change what is being called (for example add a link to the post to the thumbnail), you can add HTML and css classes.

    I have done many of these customized results.php templates for other users and posted them on the forum. The key is to do it one bit at a time, try to use an existing page from the template as a guide, and avoid complications, such as masonry or istotope.

    If you say that the archives method is a problem, then use the shortocde one. It is the only method I ever use.

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