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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Issues with AND field relationships with no results

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  • John Hanawalt


    I’m having issues with a form with 3 fields (tag multiselect combobox, ACF value multiselect combobox, and search) with AND relationships to each other.

    Question 1
    Is it possible to update the counts in one field to reflect items that also match the other?

    Right now, if I filter by a tag that has one result, the ACF value field combobox count for an item still says 34.

    Question 2
    How can I display a no results message when there are no results that match all of the user’s selections?

    Right now, if I select something with one matching post, the page filters down to that one post. If I select another filter that doesn’t apply to that post, I would expect that post to disappear and see a message that says there are no matching posts.

    What’s happening right now is the list appears to refresh, but it still shows the one past that matched the first filter.

    I have the _No Results Message_ field filled out in the backend, but I’m not seeing anything.

    Trevor Moderator

    To make field options interactive, in the General settings tab:

    Set Auto Count (both settings) to ON

    And then in the Form UI:

    In each field set Hide Empty to ON

    The No Results functionality depends on which Display results Method you are using.

    John Hanawalt

    When I went to try this, I ran into a new issue where the plugin doesn’t appear to work at all on my local site any more.

    Not only does it not update items, it’s not styling things as combo boxes anymore.

    It was working last night, and I hadn’t changed anything. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling the plugin but doesn’t seem to be working. I only have my license activated on the local site. Any reason this might happen?

    Trevor Moderator

    Are there any JavaScript errors showing in the browser developer tools console?

    Either that or maybe our JavaScript is not loading at all.

    Fro m what you say, the site is not on the Internet, so I cannot see it?

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