Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Issue with ACF field when using dropdown logic & mutliple same name fields


  • This topic has 12 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 5 years ago by Ross.
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  • Anonymous

    I have an issue with ACF label & value sync.
    I have an ACF field group where I’m using logical ACF field conditions to display subsequent dropdown.
    I have a parent dropdown name REGIONE having 20 values, the ACF field name is acf_leads_regione
    For each REGIONI value I have a ACF son field named PROVINCIA (so I have 20 dropdown sons having the same acf_leads_provincia ACF field name, but different values inside): using the ACF logic I can associate and show the right PROVINCIA dropdown when selecting each REGIONE value.
    The issue is that (with this ACF working configuration) if I set “is ACF field” for the PROVINCIA search filter, I get the correct pair “label + value” in search dropdown, but the filter keeps the values list ONLY coming from the first acf_leads_provincia ACF field in the list (and doen’ts condier the other 19 field having the same field name), so it shows values coming from ONLY ONE “PROVINCIA” ACF field
    If I unset the “is ACF field”, the filter gets ALL the 20 acf_leads_provincia fields values, but it’s unable to get the pair “label + value” from ACF, and the dropdown filter shows the values and not the labels
    Can you please verify and fix this?
    Waiting for you kindly reply asap, I must open the site and start to work with it.
    Thank you in advance

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    In the Field Group, you have defined the Provincia field many (20) times. I do not think you are supposed to do this, as they all have the same field slug/name, but they connect differently to the ACF definitions. If I change the field source to _acf_leads_provincia instead of acf_leads_provincia I can then see that each one has a different connecting meta key:

    With ACF it makes 3 meta keys per field, like this (in this example for a field named ‘Land’):

    #1 _land
    #2 field_52f0fc4334f52
    #3 land

    In our Post Meta form object Meta Key selection list, you have correctly used key #3, without the underscore at the start of the key name. The problem is, our plugin expects just one field for #2 and one field for #1, but in fact there are more.

    I need to refer this to our plugin author, Ross, for his input.


    This ACF configuration works as expected with all other plugin we are using in this site, it has been used to get working the State -> City logic and assign the correct City values when choosing each State value. I presume you should consider our ACF setting as right and solve the mentioned issue.

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