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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Is this a bug?

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  • Jordan Trainor

    I have found an issue when using the Search and Filter pro plugin. Whenever I duplicate a form and then alter it, the form it was duplicated from shows the changes in the front end and the edited form stays as it was.

    So, I create Form A
    I duplicate Form A and make Form B
    Form A is for Page A
    Form B is for Page B
    I edit Form B
    Page A shows the changes made in Form B
    Form A hasn’t changed, just been duplication to make Form B and the changes made there.

    To give you some details on the way it’s being used:

    The setup I have is using Search and Filter Pro to show specific content on selected pages. I’m using the shortcodes to do this with an edited results page. I’ve got a sidebar text input and main list text input for the shorcodes in the edit screen that were created from custom fields.

    I’m building a repository and using this plugin to define the content that will be shown to the users and I use the shortcodes so when the user searches the sidebar that has been specified for that search form will stay the same.

    Kind regards, Jordan.

    Jordan Trainor

    Sorry, it was my fault. I have buttons in the sidebar that use a relationship for the sibling pages and didn’t reset the post data, so thats why it was pulling in the forms from the other pages.

    Its Monday, so I’ll just blame that 🙂

    Ross Moderator

    Mondays eyyy.. glad you got it sorted 🙂

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