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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Is it possible to filter on IS_NOT instead of IS?

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  • Mitchel van Eijgen

    I want to pre filter items that don’t have either of a specific tag. What I could to is filter on all the other tags like so

    ?_sft_my_tax=c,d,e but would there ever come a term called f than I need to manually update my pre filtered search, so if it would be possible to do something like ?_sft_my_tax=NOT=a,b than I don’t need to worry about this.

    Trevor Moderator

    Is this what is on the Tags, Categories and Taxonomies settings tab, where it can be set to exclude instead of include?

    Mitchel van Eijgen

    No here you can only exclude terms from the whole search “experience” I just want a few buttons on the top of my page that are pre defined and it would be nice to do ?_sft_my_tax=NOT=a,b instead of ?_sft_my_tax=c,d,e

    Trevor Moderator

    Ah. Light bulb. I understand. You want a not in operator in the URL query. I would need to ask Ross, the developer, about this.

    Trevor Moderator

    So, I have spoken to Ross ad after a long thought and discussion, we cannot see a way to do this with the current plugin. We are exploring offering includes and excludes, maybe to allow this as well, in the next major release (v3). But it will be some time before that is released.

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