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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Is it possible to change the filtered results url ?

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  • Pauline Grech


    We have been using your plugin to filter directory listings, which has been awesome in regards to performance. But the filtered url is not SEO friendly.

    For example, here is an example of a filtered result url:

    But we are trying to achieve the following:

    Can you please confirm if the SEO-friendly url above is possible to achieve with your plugin ? (

    Kind Regards,

    Trevor Moderator

    How many Post Types are you searching/filtering? If it is just one, then the Post Type Archive display results method has an option to stay within taxonomy archive pages (and thus has SEO friendly URLs). You are using the ‘As an Archive’ display results method, and this does not, in the current version of our plugin) have this option.

    However, it is planned for V3 (some months away yet).

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