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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Is 2.3.2 compatible with memcached?

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  • Grosvenor

    After upgrading Search and Filter Pro from 2.2.0 to 2.3.2 we started having intermittent issue: upon performing search from SF widget, results page is served broken: practically 75% of html is missing. Basically everything after SF widget’s <form> tag is missing.

    We are using Memcached for caching needs in our blog ( The suspicion is that it is related to using memcached because issue is only reproducible when it’s on.
    The issue occurs intermittently, and more often in one environments vs. others. E. g. I could not reproduce it locally on my local machine with exact same code base and db as the test environment where we are seeing it. Disabling transients didn’t seem to help.

    Trevor Moderator

    As my server also has memcached, and I do not see this, so that would suggest it is not directly responsible. However, you may be running out of resources.

    Each WordPress install has the potential to have a different amount of memory allocated from PHP to be available to WordPress (set with the optional WP_MEMORY_LIMIT variable in wp-config.php

    Our plugin System Status reports WP Memory, but I think it incorrectly shows PHP Memory instead. I use a simple plugin that puts a more detailed server report on the dashboard.


    Hi Trevor,

    Do you have a reason to suspect that 2.3 might need more memory than 2.2?

    Trevor Moderator

    Not that I know of. Just that the standard 40M is a bit miserly.

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