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  • Anonymous

    Hi there.

    Your receipt is completely missing my data, and your data.
    Company name, address, VAT number… etc.

    I need a legal invoice for Payment: #6394

    Thank you.



    Ross Moderator
    This reply has been marked as private.

    Hello, same problem here, your invoice is missing all the needed data and is not valid in UE, can you help us?

    Payment: #14203


    same problem… I have bought the SFP and your receipt missing my and your data, like company name, address, VAT number… etc.

    I need a legal invoice for payment #14510.

    Thank you.


    Why no-one is answering ?

    Ross Moderator

    Hey all,

    FYI, Im a sole trader, and I’m not VAT registered (you cam do this if you earn under a certain amount) so in 99% of the cases your receipt is fine.

    I’ve had this conversation many times over the past year but you are not dealing with a company but a sole trader who is not VAT registered.

    Ask your accountant if this is OK, I’m sure it will be fine, if not I can raise an invoice via PayPal.



    We don’t need your vat number !

    We need a proper receipt/invoice,
    that have at least your name and home address.

    Without that,
    your receipt is just useless !
    It contains only OUR data.

    Please allow us yo justify this expense.


    Alvise said all it needed…

    Ross Moderator

    I’ll get invoices sent to you from PayPal 🙂

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