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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Internet Explorer and Search Filter Pro

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  • Courtney Ringeisen


    This plugin has helped me develop a complex search in a short amount of time which is great – however in Internet Explorer (boooo) the results only show up for a few seconds and then an error comes up ‘You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.’ where the results should be.

    I am using a custom template to output my results and everything works fine in Firefox and Chrome.

    Thanks for any help on this!

    Courtney Ringeisen

    update this is happening whenever I am not logged into wordpress on every browser .. must be on my end then? any tips?

    Courtney Ringeisen

    update: figured it out – looks like it was on my end the whole time 🙂

    Ross Moderator

    Overprotective security by any chance, blocking the use of wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?


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