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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Infinite Scroll not working

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  • Jonathan Bradford


    I am trying to set up infinite scroll on a site search form results.
    I followed all the necessary steps, however when I change the pagination type to ‘infinite scroll’ nothing is happening. Currently I’m using a custom template. If I remove it to use the default ones, nothing is happening either. If I put the pagination type back to ‘Normal’, the pagination works.
    It seems like it’s not getting the right template (results-infinite-scroll.php); If I make a change to results.php template (adding custom class for example), I can see the change after refreshing, but it’s not working with the (results-infinite-scroll.php).

    Hope you can help!

    Trevor Moderator

    If you are using the shortcode method, follow these customization notes:

    BUT …

    Instead of copying the results.php file, copy the results-infinite-scroll.php to the child theme sub-folder (search-filter) and rename that to results.php

    Jonathan Bradford

    Hello again.
    Thank you foe the quick reply.
    I followed the notes for the shortcode customisation. I can see it’s getting the right template now, but Infinite scroll is still not working …

    Trevor Moderator

    It is using As an Archive as the Display Results method. It should be using the Shortcode method?

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