Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Infinite scroll issue

  • This topic has 30 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 4 years ago by Ross.
Viewing 10 posts - 21 through 30 (of 31 total)
  • Trevor

    Ah, good to hear the progress. Do let me know if you resolve it?


    Hi Trevor

    No luck here to get the scroll to work on the set container. The container with the scroll has the shortcode results within it.

    Does the results have to have the scroll sit within it?

    Kind regards


    I think so, yes.


    Hi Trevor

    added the container with scroll into the results file and still no luck

    Seems like the function triggers on window scroll but the scroll we have is on a container with overflow scroll. so not sure if this will work at all with overflow scroll content


    That may be so, yes. If you want, I can ask our developer for confirmation?


    Hi Trevor

    If you can ask the question does the infinite scroll work on containers with overflow scroll on it instead of the window scroll that would be great.

    Kind regards

    Ross Moderator

    Hi Rachel

    That’s correct, the infinite scroll is triggered when the window scrolls past a certain point in relation to the container – I don’t think this would work if its in a container with overflow.

    I’ll stick this on the todo list for further investigation, as it would be nice to work the way you have mentioned – but for now this will not work.



    Hi Ross

    Thanks for confirming this.

    Can you advise what the Ajax function that is called to load more results so that in this case we hook up the function to be called when we click a button say?

    Kind regards

    Ross Moderator

    Hi Rachel

    Right now our javascript api is a bit limited – we’ll be rewriting this in version 3, but for now you can do it like this:

    (function ($) {
    	"use strict";
    	let searchForm;
    	$(document).on("sf:init", ".searchandfilter", function(e, data){
    		// copy to window so we can access it anywhere
    		searchForm = data.object;
    		console.log("S&F init", searchForm);
    	$( 'a' ).on( 'click', function() {
    	} );

    To break it down, the first event sf:init is fired for each search form initialised after page load.

    We assume in this example there is only one, and we copy that to a variable searchForm.

    Then, on the click handler, we trigger a loadMoreResults(); – I’ve added the click event to any a – so you’ll want to change that to your button class / ID I guess…



    Hi Ross

    Thanks for the code snipper which i have added to the JS file.

    However the click didnt work on either a tags or my class elements, but got it working with this click event

    	$(document).on( 'click', '.show-more', function() {
    	} );
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