Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Infinite Scroll does not work on one page

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  • Anonymous

    Hello, I am using S&F with WPBakery to brows through my products. On all pages except one it does work nicely. However on this specific one it does not work. What could cause this problem?


    We officially only support ‘WordPress pagination’ option in WPBakery, sorry, as per this guide:

    We could not get any other form of pagination to work reliably.


    I understand, however it does work on all pages except one. Which is weird. Do You known what can cause the problem?


    Sometimes it can work (by luck) and on others it does not. It will be the selectors used here by the WPBakery code:

    There doesn’t seem to be any way to predict what they need to be, and it is not something we can support at this time, sorry. I know some users figured for their own page what they needed to be, but it often seems to be different, or, simply doesn’t work at all.

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