Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro infinite scroll classipress theme

  • This topic has 38 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 8 years ago by Anonymous.
Viewing 9 posts - 31 through 39 (of 39 total)
  • Anonymous

    i write simplke but you must do what i say then understand all
    i add now calender to blog page and after select search you dont see search filter you see calender this i mena whit dissapear filter its rerdirect to other page not like last time in same page stay select filter ads frozen and image not clear look like milk one or two second then see only searhc results but all in same page now redirect and broken desing


    Ok, I will focus on this last reply of yours. You must do what I say is what you ask of me. I went to the Blog page already, but I did not see the search form. I will look again now. On the blog page I do not see our search form? Is THAT the problem? But I DO see it on the home page now?


    yes this is probelm that search redirect to other page with blogtemplate
    search you can display on homepage or test2 its same template but something happened with search i dotn know what last time stay on same page now redirect calender i add to blog sidebar


    and thids widget you see there this is blog tabed widget mostvisited comments and tags visible on blogpage now question why search filter redirect to blogpage


    OK. Your theme has many templates. Do you know which template it should redirect to? By default most themes use search.php

    However, I remember that on your site you had a template called search-results.php, but I cannot see this in the list of templates in the child theme folder.

    This documentation page describes how to set up your own search template, so I wonder if that is what you did before, but maybe a theme update has deleted it?


    i see search.php in them and childtheme but last time we dont change it only you do something but we give this to someinternetpeople from fiverr they can fix it


    thanky you so much for that all


    You think they have the file? Did you need anything more for me now, or should I close the thread, or leave it pending?


    yes you can close it thanks

Viewing 9 posts - 31 through 39 (of 39 total)