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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro infinite scroll classipress theme

Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 39 total)
  • robert stojanovic

    hi i activate it and then results again ugly design cna you help with this settings

    robert stojanovic
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Trevor Moderator

    You have two forms in your admin. Neither of them has infinite scroll activated.

    Which one is the problem with?
    What settings did you use with Infinite scroll?
    What was it that changed to make it ‘ugly’?
    What page is the search form used on, and what search should I try to see the effect?

    Please note:

    Support Hours

    Our support hours are Monday – Friday 10am – 5pm GMT – please be aware that tickets opened over the weekend will looked at on Monday.

    robert stojanovic

    it sonly one no 2 you made it
    just change infiniti scroll notheing ewlse then broken like first time

    Trevor Moderator

    So, there are two forms:

    Pretraga ID# 3726 Uses Shortode Method and Display Results page is which does not exist.


    Pretraga New ID# 3737 Uses As an Archive method with no specific results page

    I see no page in the site with either form on it?

    robert stojanovic

    no is only one you made it no 2 this 1 no work

    robert stojanovic

    prews detaljna pretrag oglasasa then se one no 2

    Trevor Moderator


    From what I can see, the changes I made last time you were helped have been removed. This may be because you updated the theme, which would over-write the code.

    The ‘ugly’ results were because you were using a form with the Shortcode Display Results method. I have changed this now to As an Archive, to use your theme’s normal search.php template.

    You have a main theme (ClassiPress) and a child theme (ClassiPost) I think?

    The changes needed to the ClassiPost child theme I detailed here for you:

    As the form ID is now different, that code needs to be changed to use form ID #3726 and not 3737

    Each time you update the child theme, this may happen. Sadly, WordPress does not allow Child themes of child themes (grand children themes).

    robert stojanovic

    ok what i need to do now
    because filter now dissapear

    robert stojanovic

    ok now i check dearch i can see it i add same code but again ugly design this code dont help now

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