Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Individual Vendor Pages

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  • Anonymous

    Is it possible add results for individual vendor pages from Woocommerce Product Vendors?

    These are templates like an author page. For example a link to a vendor page would be and this shows some info about the vendor. I can filter by vendors and I do see them listed in the Tags, Cats & Tax section but I cannot get the individual pages to show.


    Are the vendors a custom post type, a taxonomy or a custom field? If they do not appear on the settings tab you mention, it is unlikely they are taxonomies. If they do not appear in the list of Post Types to be filtered, they will not be that either. If you add a Post Meta to the form, do they appear in the list of meta keys? If so, they would be a custom field.

    I am not entirely clear as to what you want to do with them?


    Vendor is a taxonomy. They do appear on the Tags, Categories & Taxonomies tab under the name “Vendors (wcpv_product_vendors)”.

    I would like search results to include the vendor pages. For example if there is a vendor with the name John Adams and someone searches for John the results would include the link to his vendor page


    Ah, I see. You may need to work out the URL our filter directs to, and then set up a re-direct or re-write on WordPress to intercept the link and take it to that page.

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