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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Increase Indentation on list

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  • Ben Chinn


    When using the dropdown there is an indentation for each sub level.
    How can I increase the indentation

    Trevor Moderator

    You would need to write some custom CSS to achieve this and apply that in your theme. If I could see the form, I could help you with the CSS.

    Ben Chinn
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Trevor Moderator

    The way Subject looks now is weird. Some are bold, some are not. And some are more indented that others?

    Are you able to take a screen shot and PhotoShop it how you want it to look, then give me a link to the image file?

    Ben Chinn
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Trevor Moderator

    What browser did you look at for this? I just looked in Chrome and Edge and it looks as your image, but in Firefox, not. That is why I was confused, as I normally use Firefox.

    However, I think all you need is custom CSS like this:

    .sf-input-select .sf-level-1 {
        margin-left: 50px !important;

    Or whatever value you want …

    and so on as the level numbers increase.

    Ben Chinn

    Hey thanks, I hadn’t checked it in Firefox, and your right CSS does work in Firefox.

    But it doesn’t work in Chrome, When I added in that code it didn’t change in Chrome.

    Is there anything that is cross browser compatible?

    If not do you know where the code is to add in the extra spaces and I can add in a few more there?

    Trevor Moderator

    Ross just pointed out a filter (Filter Input Object) you can use, here in the documentation:

    There is a link to some example code there too.

    Ben Chinn

    Thank you.

    My php isn’t that great, would it would be something like;

    function filter_function_name($input_object, $sfid=87)
    //udpate this field before rendering
    $input_object[‘attributes’][‘style’] = ‘margin-left:50px;’;

    return $input_object;
    add_filter(‘sf_input_object_pre’, ‘filter_function_name’, 10, 2);

    Trevor Moderator

    I was thinking you can add some more spaces before the strings? Not to add css.

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