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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Incorrect posts being picked up (posts showing outside of chosen date range)

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  • Ben

    I’m currently having an issue with one post strangely showing up outside of its specified date range.

    For example, I’m filtering using the date range “November 1 2016 – November 30 2016”, whereas the post in question has its “event_start_date” listed as June 17 2017, yet it’s showing up alongside the posts that are correctly showing up as they are within the date range (November 1-30).

    The post in question is called “Midnight Sun Marathon”.

    I’ve installed the latest version of Search & Filter Pro, and the latest version of ACF. I’ve double-checked the database and the “event_start_date” is indeed 20170617, which is the same format as all of the other posts (YYYYMMDD).

    Could there be something obvious I’m missing? This also happened when I reverted to the default result pages/archives (rather than the custom event page).

    Thanks in advance!


    Trevor Moderator
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    Trevor Moderator

    I observe from a quick look that Midnight Sun Marathon post has no end date, but the others do. What happens if you make the end date the same as the start date in the post?


    If the Events are only one day in duration, we leave the End Date blank. You’ll see that the ‘Queenstown International Marathon’ event on that same page doesn’t have an end date, yet it behaves correctly when filtering.

    Do you recommend/suggest that I add an End Date for each Event in order to work with the filtering? Is this perhaps due to a recent update to the plugin? (as this issue seems to have only just happened)

    Happy to do so if that’s what you suggest, just wanting to check if that’s what the issue actually is.

    Thank you!

    Trevor Moderator

    See this search:

    That shows both of the two events we mentioned. Neither should be shown. The condition seems to be if the start date of the event is after then end date of the search and the end date of the event is empty, THEN it gets included.

    So, yes, a fake end date might well resolve it.

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