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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro including tags for search

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)
  • dann hanks

    Hi, when I search I want the search to consider tags which have been made to the post.

    Example, if my post is called “banana” and I tag it with “Apple”, when I search for “Apple”, I want it to show me the “Banana” post as its been tagged with Apple.

    Does that make sense?


    dann hanks

    Hi, I have added a plugin called search everything which extends the wordpress search to include all tags, exceprts etc when searching. This is working great in normal wordpress search but returning no results with this plugin (although showing numbers in the filter!).

    Help please!

    Trevor Moderator

    This discussion looked at Search Everything:

    At this time, I can only confirm support for Relevanssi.

    dann hanks

    Hi, sorry, a misunderstanding here…

    I have turned off search everything now, as it conflicted with the plugin, I just wanted to extend the search to look into tags exceprts etc, it seems its only searching titles and content at the moment.

    Trevor Moderator

    Ah, you would need to use the free relevanssi plugin and then enable support in the advanced settings.

    dann hanks

    Hi, thanks, this seems to have done the trick!

    dann hanks

    1 more question, on a no results page, in wordpress you can usually identify the no-searh-results body class, it doesnt do this for the search results page through search and filter.

    I am trying to get the body class if the search results are 0 so that I can hide the filter bar that I have on the right. If there are no search results, it just shows the headings for each searchable section (as in the settings I have told them to hide if 0).

    It would be handy to get a class so I can just hide the sidebar all together.

    : )

    Trevor Moderator

    I think one (or more) of the posts in this thread might help you with that?

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)

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