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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Include/Exclude categories issue with WordPress 4.1.2

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  • Anas LAHBABI


    I’m using WordPress 4.1.2 with S&F 1.4.

    The include/Exclude function not working in “Tags, Categories & Taxonomies” Tab for categories.

    Could you please check

    Anas LAHBABI


    Just an additional precision, It’s only the exclude option that is not working.

    The include one is working fine.

    Please check

    Ross Moderator

    Very strange, are you sure you’re on the latest version (1.4.3) ?

    There should be no reason that exclude would not work and include would work – both were fixed at the same time and have been tested.

    If you’re 100% on the latest version would you be able to provide some login details so I can test?


    Anas LAHBABI
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    Anas LAHBABI
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    Anas LAHBABI
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    Ross Moderator
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    Ross Moderator
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    Anas LAHBABI
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    Ross Moderator
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