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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro In search form, Post Meta dropdown show only ID but not the values


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  • jeremie massin


    First of all, this is a great plugin.
    I’m using custom post type and custom post fields.
    I tried to use taxonomy field, but i show only standard pots entries.
    So now, I’m using the META POST type of field.
    But i did not managed to set correctly the searchform to display the taxonmy value.
    It displayed only ID’s of terms. Could you help me with this ?

    You can see the form here :

    Best regards

    Trevor Moderator

    Are you using ACF or ACF Pro? Is this an ACF field? If so, what type of field is it?

    jeremie massin

    I’m using the pro version, and i found out that this is a know issue on your code :

    SO i asked wher or how i can use sebastian solution until you fix it ?

    Bets regards

    jeremie massin

    Sorry, i forgot to anwser your quesiotn : this is a custom taxonomy list.

    Trevor Moderator

    Hi Jeremy

    We are working on ACF issues at the moment.

    The Custom Taxonomy list links to a taxonomy in the post, yes? Does it not also save the values there? If os, could you use the taxonomy field element, rather than the meta field element to search by?

    jeremie massin

    HI Trevor
    well, i’m not sure to understand your proposal.
    if i try to use the standard taxonomy field, it show the list correctly, but the taxonomy element listed return 0 into the count and give nothing into the search.
    i think this this is because it search standard post type and no into my custom post type called “projet”.

    the context is : custom taxonomy for custom post type to be use as a criteria for searche within your plugin.

    Trevor Moderator

    If the search was for a custom post type and custom taxonomy, it should work, assuming you set the taxonomy and custom post type up correctly. It should not return 0. Something is possibly needing to be fixed there.

    jeremie massin

    How can we check this ?
    There is no “custom taxonomy” item into available fields.
    the choice is between “taxonomy” and “post Meta”.
    I think “post meta” is the good one. Isn’it ?

    jeremie massin

    ok, thank’s … at the end it was my error, missing a criteria.

    Trevor Moderator
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