Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro Import with really simple csv importer

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  • Anonymous


    i have an issue with the “really simple csv importer”-plugin and i think the problem is caused by search and filter. i created several custom post type and added meta fields with acf. then i importet csv-data with the really simple csv importer. so far so fine. the importer automatically creates new posts and saves the data in the meta-fields that i generated with acf. the new posts are published BUT… on the page where i show all posts of my custom post type with search and filter, the automatically created posts with “really simple csv importer” don’t show up. i have to manually save every post again and that i quite impossible since i plan to import about 2000 posts at once.

    maybe its also an issue with the “really simple csv importer”, but i don’t think so. i would appreciate any hint.

    best regards

    Ross Moderator

    I really can’t see how or why S&F would interfere with that process – simply disable S&F and see if your problem still exists?




    i kind of solved the problem. i had to import all meta fiels with a “required” status as well as the field that i told search and filter to use for sorting the results. so i don’t know wether it’s a little but with acf or search&filter. since i put standard values for all fields it should work without that workaround, but it works, so i’m satisfied 😉

    best regards

    Ross Moderator

    Ahhh ok, I’ll look in to it, thanks for letting me know

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