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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro I need to manually rebuild my Cache each time a new download is added


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  • Eamonn Keenan

    Hi Guys,

    You can find my Search at

    Everytime one of my Vendors adds a new download, I need to manually rebuild my Cache for their new download to work with my search.

    Is there any way to have the cache automatically rebuilt every so often or each time a new downloaded is added?


    Trevor Moderator

    If you are using a script to add each download, then yes. See this documentation for the Update Cache for a Particular Post action.

    Change the example post id to a variable, and then before that, after the download has saved, pass the returned post id from that save into this action.

    Eamonn Keenan

    Hi Trevor.

    I’m not running any script to add each download. Instead, my vendors are adding their own downloads via Frontend Submissions.

    Is there a way that I can set up the Cache to rebuild the cache every hour? Or perhaps each time the search is loaded?


    Trevor Moderator
    Eamonn Keenan

    Thanks Trevor, I’ll give it a go and see it if works.

    Ross Moderator

    Hi Eamonn

    I had a quick thought and realised you were using Marketify, which means you are probably using the EDD FES plugin? then I think you might actually need the code from this post:

    The other one example we were referring to was the ACF plugin, and doing frontend submisions 🙂


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