Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro I have a question about the custom fields

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  • Anonymous

    Hello, I just installed the plugin on the company’s website and I need your assistance.

    We are a scale company and trying to search our products by following 4 different categories:

    By size, capacity, resolution, and price.

    Now, all the information is contained in each scale page, for example you may go to this page:

    then go to all the way down, you will see the chart which shows sizes, capacities, resolutions and etc.

    So I want to perform the search based on the information in the chart.

    Can I create the new custom search fields and make them scale-able
    something like this: [ price low ()————-()—— price high ]

    so that customer just can do their search by scaling these fields.

    Please let me know what would be a possible option. Thank you very much.

    Arlyn Scales


    If you want a slider, that is what you appear to show there, it would have low and high handles to slide. A slider only work on purely numerical data, so the field cannot contain units, spaces, symbols etc. So, looking at the data shown in the four columns in the Capacities and Platform Sizes tables, as they show there would not work.

    Be aware that two drawbacks of using a slider are that if a post has no data entered for a given field, it will be entirely missing from the results, and the submitted query (in the URL) will contain the slider settings even when set at the default.


    Thank you for the reply Trevor.

    I understand that I cannot use the slider for the data that is not in a pure numeric form.

    So I was thinking about the drop-down menu instead of the slider. What would be the solution?

    I would like to create search fields by size, capacity, resolution, and price. The data is written in the chart in each scale page as I mentioned before in the previous post.

    Thank you very much for your time.


    I did not say that the sliders could not be made to work, and they may be the best way to go, but the existing data might have to be edited/modified to comply with the need for it to be numerical, then you can use formatting to display the tables as it currently is.


    OK. I will try to look into it.

    By the way, how can I put the search on the side bar instead of putting it in a page as it is in you demo sites?

    Thank you for your help always.


    Your theme should have sidebar widget areas defined (Under Appearance -> Widgets), that is how we put them in the sidebars in the demo.


    Thank you very much it works very well.

    But is there a way to show the results in a grid? For example I would like to show the results 3 products in a row.

    It is now showing just one product per row with a big image.

    Please check:


    Your theme uses Bootstrap 3, as far as I can see. If you want it to look like the store page, where each products has HTML like this:

    <div class="col-sm-6 col-md-4 scale-item scale-archive-item">
      <article class="post-2926 scale type-scale status-publish format-standard has-post-thumbnail hentry scale_catagory-digital-indicator scale_tag-latest wpautop">
          <h2 class="entry-title">
    		<a href="/scales/arlyn-upscale-touchscreen-indicator/">
              <span class="m-h">Arlyn UpScale</span>
              <span class="sub-h">Touchscreen Indicator - Stainless Steel Optional</span>
          <a href="/scales/arlyn-upscale-touchscreen-indicator/">
            <img src="/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/V9_Plastic_Digital_Indicator_front_view_transparent-240x180.png" class="attachment-scale-thumb size-scale-thumb wp-post-image" alt="" srcset=" 240w, 263w, 350w, 165w" sizes="(max-width: 240px) 100vw, 240px" width="240" height="180">
        <div class="starting-price">Starting at $549</div>

    Then yes, it is possible to customise the results.php to make that layout. The first step is to follow this guide:

    And then you (or I) would have to edit the template.

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