Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro I don't know how to make it work with ACF

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  • Anonymous

    to change the part where the search results come from? what file should i take?
    I would like the results to be organized into categories … and not all messy


    As I said in a previous post, I gave you a link on how to customise the results:

    However, you would need to do this yourself, as such customisation is not normally within the scope of our support.

    What you want is that the results are sorted by category, but to do so is not an option in our plugin. The reason is that a post can have many categories, so which one would our plugin sort by? Instead, you would need to create a custom field that has only ever one term in it. Then you can sort by this, then you would need to create PHP to check this field for each loop of the while (which creates the list of posts), and output the header each time this field value changes.

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