Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro

  • This topic has 4 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 6 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • Anonymous


    I have s&f pro on elementor and I like to show the tags/cats of the filtered results.

    I found this page:
    But the PHP string is not working on my page, I just see a part of the string where I would like to have the meta of the filtered posts.

    Used this code and put it in a text and html field, both same results:

    //grab the active query from our search form
    //replace 1526 with the ID of your search form
    global $searchandfilter;
    $sf_current_query = $searchandfilter->get(REPLACED WITH S&F ID)->current_query();



    You are not using our integration guide for Elementor?

    The guide is basic but you can extend the idea to grab lost of other data. If you have other filters, then it becomes a little more complex, but I can give you links. This thread might help you:

    … and this search will give similar threads I think:

    Note that (as far as I know) you cannot run PHP in Elementor elements. It has to be inside a PHP template, or inside a shortcode that can run PHP (there are such plugins out there that let you make shortocdes that use PHP).


    Hello Trevor,

    Thank you for responding. Yes I use the integration guide, you have helped me in the past with that.

    Maybe I did not explain it well enough, sorry for the language barrier.

    My filter is working super, but what I like to do is when I have filtered results I want to show above the results what tags or categories they have filtered on.

    Something like: “You have searched on these tags and cats: #sun, #moon, Fish

    Is that also doable with shortcode?


    That is what I understood, but it requires custom PHP coding, for which you would need to hire a freelance coder if you cannot do it yourself (but I did points towards some pages that contain snippets that would help). This plugin:

    Allows you to make some PHP code and create it as a shortcode to place on the page.


    Super Trevor, I will look into it! Thanks for your help!

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