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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro How to style the search data

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  • cascadegroup

    Hi trevor,

    Sorry, hopefully a quick question:

    How do I change the search data being shown from the taxonomy slug to the taxonomy name?

    For instance, it is currently showing “2000-pw” but this is the slug for the term “£2000pw”.

    I assume this is just changing “[value]” but I don’t know what to.


    Trevor Moderator

    I changed it to name.

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    Trevor Moderator
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    Trevor Moderator

    I sent you an email. Please check and read it!!

    Trevor Moderator

    Hi. So, using javascript, this is how reset a field value (for example the length):

    jQuery(".sf-field-taxonomy-length .sf-input-select").val("");

    I think this is correct. I am sure if Ross sees this, he will let us know if it isn’t.

    and then to submit the form:


    Thanks Trevor, I will give this a go!

    Trevor Moderator

    Am I able to mark this as resolved and close the thread?


    Yes, thanks once again for all your help!

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