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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro How to show child taxonomies in new drop down?

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  • Vinod Pathak


    I want to show the child taxonomies in a new dropdown (not hierarchical) according to parent taxonomy. For example if user will select fruits it will show name of fruits in next dropdown as mango, cherry, apple, etc…

    I tried to use sort option but my taxonomy is not showing in meta value. Here is the brief detail of my search & filter requirement:

    Select Year (1900-2016)
    Select Make (Audi – Ferrari)
    Select Model (Child taxonomy of above Make)
    Select Product (A – Z) = Result

    I have project delivery deadline day after tomorrow, Please help as soon as possible.


    Ross Moderator

    Hi there

    You would need to create a new taxonomy for each option, Year, Make, Model & Product

    You could then enable “auto count” and enable “hide empty” in each taxonomy field to get the same effect as the Genre/Certificate fields:

    Drill down taxonomies as you describe are in development! 🙂


    Vinod Pathak

    My question is how to show child taxonomies in a new dropdown.

    Parent Taxonomy
    1. Child 1
    2. Child 2
    3. Child 3

    So i want to show Child 1 to Child 3 taxonomies in a different dropdown.

    Hope you got it. Please help.

    Ross Moderator

    This is not a feature of S&F, but I’m working on it for the next update 🙂


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