Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro How to replicate some features of your demos

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  • Anonymous


    I have purchased the search & filter pro and it’s already working fairly good.
    I just need to replicate some features I can see in your demos in order to reach my objectives.

    1) How to hide the number of results? I don’t want to show how many items have been found
    2) How to have the results displayed in a grid instead of a list?

    Thank you for your support



    The answer to both depend on which Display results method you have chosen. Most use your theme’s own templates, which you would need to make renamed copies of and edit. This is what we did to a default WordPress theme to make the demo. Not knowing what your theme is, or what its template files look like, makes it hard to comment further at this stage.

    If you have chosen to sue the Shortcode results method, then the template file is from our plugin, and the first step in customising this is to follow the documentation here.


    Hi Trevor,

    thank you for you reply.

    I have chosen the Shortcode results method. Therefore, I have looked at the link you suggested.

    I have followed the instructions and created the results.php. Then I have deleted the part in the code showing the message of the number of results.
    As a first and quick step, to me it’s ok.

    About point 2 in my original question:
    a) is having the results displayed in a grid achievable with the Shortcode results method?
    b) is there some quick combination with a plugin like Essential grid (that I have installed) or else?


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