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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro How to not show results in first search + translate "Older/ newer posts"

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  • tomsmithmichael

    Hi Trevor,
    Thanks for the great plugin and support. I have now 3 doubts:

    1. Can you please share how to show no results (0 retrieved results) before the first searching is done? I am using shortcode method and before filtering all possible results are shown.

    2. Also, could you please tell me how to translate “older posts” and “newer posts” in the search results? I tried via mo/po of the theme, but no luck. Also, no luck trying to translate Search and Filter plugin.

    3. Is it possible to display in one page a multiselect combo-boxes at the top of the page, and more fields + results bellow? It seems that this would be 2 different search forms, or is there any way of achieving this?

    I am sharing more details in a private answer. Thanks!

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    Trevor Moderator


    For 1 and 2, you would need to edit the results.php file that you copied into your theme folder. 3 is not possible, yet. It is on our roadmap, but it may be a while yet, to allow form elements in different places on the page.

    So, for 1. This is the basic code:

    global $searchandfilter;
    $sf_current_query = $searchandfilter->get(1726)->current_query();
    if (!$sf_current_query->is_filtered()) {
    // put anything you want instead of the results for the page loading without query parameter
    } else {
    // put the output part of the results.php here

    Where 1726 is changed to whatever the ID number of your form is.

    For 2, simply find those text strings in the results.php file and replace.

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