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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro How to make the search results display better

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  • riseup
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    Trevor Moderator

    I can see the shortcodes in the wp page editor, but your theme is ignoring the content you place there. It may be necessary to copy the blog template php file to make you own special results template and add the shortcodes using the php do_shortcode method, choosing carefully where you want to put them in the page structure.

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    Trevor Moderator

    Not as such. If it is easy, we can do it for you. What theme were you using? What template was being used? And what was the reason you choose to use the shortcode method?

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    Trevor Moderator

    We might need to have a chat on Skype or phone. Are you in the UK?

    Trevor Moderator
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    Trevor Moderator
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Trevor Moderator

    So, this was a child theme of Genesis and all we had to do was change it to be an ‘As an Archive’ search, set the page_blog.php template file, name the slug the same as the page that had the search form on and all worked fine. Happiness.

    Can I mark this as resolved and close it?


    Hello Trevor.

    Yes, this is resolved and please close!

    I want to sincerely thank you for all your help. You have been tremendous, and I am super duper happy with the service and attention!

    Thanks again, Trevor!

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