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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro How to make the search results display better

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  • riseup

    Hello. I am excited to use this plugin, but I am having some difficulty. Please advise…

    My website is I was able to place this short code, [searchandfilter id=”614″], right below the logo which displays the dropdown defaulted to “All Categories.”

    If you select an item, for example, “Mental Health,” notice that the search results duplicates the dropdown on the page. What I really want is this –> When the user selects a dropdown item, I just want the posts to display the resulting post. However, it’s not showing like this. It’s actually showing another dropdown with a not-so-nice looking post results.

    In summary, when a user selects a dropdown selection item right below the logo, I simply want the posts to result accordingly (including showing the avatar, title, and description).

    Hope that makes sense. Any ideas? Thanks.

    Trevor Moderator

    I think this is two questions, so let’s address one at a time and deal with the duplicate select box. You have a site-wide header and the search form is in this. You have (possibly?) chosen (it would appear) to use the Archive display method so that a search from any page will take you to a single search results page. But, in the content section of the results page, you have also placed the search form. as it is also in the site-wide header, it appears twice. This needs to be fixed so that it appears only once.

    I may have assumed too much there, so my apologies if I have.


    Hello, and thank you for your response.

    So, I was able to place the dropdown out from the header area so that it’s in another section of the homepage.

    Now, the next question is: when I select a selection item from the drop down box, I would like to view the resulting posts with the avatar, title, and the like.

    How do I go about doing this? Thank you.

    Trevor Moderator


    Search & Filter Pro seems to be working correctly and takes you to the results page and displays the correct post(s). What is displayed is determined by your theme. WordPress allows theme writers to select and control various elements of each post that is displayed by ‘the loop’, such as featured image, title, content, excerpt, tags, author, post date, categories. If the theme does not allow you enough control, then you either have to engage in hand coding or use a plugin that might work.

    Theme frameworks on the other hand tend to give you a greater degree of control over this, but often also require you do more styling and design (less out of the box look and feel and more make it look how you want).


    Hi @trevor,

    I am using the StudioPress theme, and the theme does give us enough control I believe. I am a bit stuck here because the filter and search results displaying well is quite important.

    Can you provide more insight on what else I can attempt to do to take advantage of this “loop?”


    Trevor Moderator

    The display of the results is in no way controlled by Search & Filter. All Search and Filter does is to provide Post IDs to the Theme and either you or the Theme decides which template to use to display the results and how they ‘look’. What you need to do is figure which Template within the theme and how to use that for the results page. You appear to have made a page called Filter Results, presumably in the WP page editor, so what template is it using, and can you change it?


    Hello @Trevor.

    I was able to link the template to make the search results look like the homepage posts! So, notice when you select a filter item from the dropdown box, the search results page appears which is good because I can see the avatar and gray lines and so forth.

    However, I’m running into another problem – the filter doesn’t seem to work correctly. When I select “Mental Health (5),” there should be 5 posts that results. However, the search results show all 14 posts.

    Can you advise me on why this may be the case?


    Trevor Moderator


    You may want to reply using ‘Private reply’.

    I would need to see the search form setup, which means I need admin access to the site’s admin.

    This reply has been marked as private.
    Trevor Moderator


    The results page does not have the results shortcode in it.

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