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Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro How to icon in placeholder text for input box and button text ?

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  • Nikunj Vala

    Hello There,

    1) We want to add some icon in placeholder text for input box and button text: The example :

    2) Also, We want to add some spacing after arrow in select field. how can we achieve that ? :

    URL to Review:

    Trevor Moderator

    #1. I see you have set the font for the input to Font Awesome, so this is possible. Make the Placeholder text this:

    Keyword Search 

    See here:

    For #2, because these are standard form select controls, there is no control over this either. If you convert them to comboboxes, then you can style them, but if you do that, make sure, in our plugin settings, it is set to use Select2 as the combobox script.

    Trevor Moderator

    Ah, that doesn’t show the code. I will have to place the characters here with dots, so remove the dots!

    Keyword Search &.#.x.f.0.0.2.;

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