Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro How to get the Description to show under the header

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  • Anonymous

    IS there a code to have the description for the item to show on the output page.

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    Thats fine will reply with those things… and that’s fine to hear something back on Monday.

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    As you are using the Shortcode Display Results method, I think that part of the page is not controlled by the results.php file, but by your theme’s page.php file.

    Did we previously discuss which Display Results Method to use, because the only one I could think would work would be the Post Type Archive method, assuming that is is searching only one Post Type and the taxonomies are not shared by other Post Types?

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    You would probably need to make a copy of the search.php template (if that is what you are using), and then

    You can modify that php file to create the title inline in the page. One issue is that Ajax refreshes are unlikely to change the title, so the title needs to be inside the Ajax container.

    To access filters being used will require coding, see this documentation page:

    To then get that to appear in the title may require more coding. Another user who resolved this for his theme/site posted this thread:

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