Forums Forums Search & Filter Pro How to get queried url, modify URLs


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  • Anonymous

    Hi guys, how can i get generated url from sf into a function?
    I need to alter a parameter, i checked here:
    but it doesn’t explain how to retrieve the sf url parameters.
    If i try to print function i get “Missing argument 1 for query_url_results()”.
    Is there a way to get queried url?


    What it is that you are trying to change? The URL or a field value? If this is about dates, make sure the changes I made to ACF settings do not affect the question/answer.


    It’s quite simple, i need to create a button to take all current parameters but change one of them, a date because i need to make a “previous day” pagination.


    That makes sense. The function you refer to is intended to be uses to alter the results url used to open a results page, which is not what you want.

    You want to actually fetch the current page URL, like this:

    global $wp;
    $current_url = home_url(add_query_arg(array(),$wp->request));

    And then look at that and manipulate it in PHP (so echo it first, find the string that precedes the part you want, then split the current_url string up, alter the date, and stitch it back together again).


    I’ll do a try, thank you Trevor


    in my case $current_url = home_url(add_query_arg(array(),$wp->request));
    always print root url, without any queried parameter 🙁
    why that?


    I am not sure. I tried to find a WordPress method to get the URL with query string using google. Maybe read this:

    One suggestion was:

    echo home_url( add_query_arg( null, null ));

    This is a more generic WordPress question, so Google is your friend.

    OR ….

    You could use the Edit Query Arguments filter to get the date.

    And in this case this thread might help:

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