Forums Forums General How to filter inside a Tax Archive?

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  • Anonymous

    I have this scenario:

    A post type and 3 taxonomies.

    When I’m browsing a term archive of one of the taxonomies, I would like to filter the results (ajax) by the other 2 taxonomies.

    Is this possible?


    I see no reason it should not work. Have you tried this and it didn’t work? How was the page and search form configured?


    I configured it as post type archive to use the same archive template, and it works.

    But filters are not dynamic respect the current taxonomy I’m in: they just always show all the options, regardless of current taxonomy post availability.

    So user can also click on a filter and get no results.

    How could I hide filter out form options that are not available in current taxonomy?

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    I have enabled Auto Count in the General Settings for you. Can you now take a look?


    Hello Trevor,
    it is actually working!

    but I can’t find the option “autocount” in general settings, where is it?
    I need to make it work on production.


    Ops, found!
    I was looking in Search & Filter genral settings, not the single search form one.

    thanks very much Trevor, don’t know how I skipped that option, sorry for the dumb question!

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